Nutrition with a Focus on Plant-Based Meals w/Sara Eriksen, April 20th at 14.30 – 16.00

Would you like to learn more about the nutritional value and quality of green meals, and understand how plant-based foods differ from animal-based foods, with a special focus on proteins and various vitamins and minerals? If so, come join us for a presentation by Sara Elisabeth Eriksen, who teaches human nutrition and is a lecturer in the Nutrition and Health program. You may also know her from practicing with us at MYC.

We’re all curious about how to get the most out of our food for our own health, and eating more plant-based foods also supports the health of our planet, which the presentation will touch on briefly. That’s why we’ve invited Sara to give a talk on food and nutrition at Mysore Yoga CPH in Satyas Yoga Shala.

You’re welcome to ask questions along the way, and we encourage you to prepare questions for Sara before the presentation as well. Questions can be sent to:

Dansk tekst nedenunder. Oplægget bliver på engelsk hvis der er nogen der ikke forstår dansk.

Sara Eriksen er lektor i ernæring og sundhed på Ernæring og sundhedsuddannelsen samt Cand.Scient human i ernæring. Desuden ser du hende ofte i MYC shala. Vi er meget nysgerrige efter hvad alt det med ernæring og træning egentlig indebærer, og vi har derfor inviteret Sara til at holde et oplæg om mad og ernæring hos Mysore Yoga Cph i Satya Yogas Shala.

Oplægget har focus på næringsstofferne i den mad vi indtager, bl.a. i relation til den plantebaseret kost. (Herunder også vegetarisk og vegansk ernæring) Samt kost i relation til tidstypiske folkesygedomme.
Derudover vil Sara tale meget nærmere om hvad der karakteriserer en sund kost ved bl.a. at se på de mange myter om mad vi ser i dag.
Der vil være mulighed for at stille spørgsmål og du er meget velkommne til at sende spørgsmål i forvejen til os, så ernærings emnet bliver relevant for lige netop dig.

Price: DKK 200

Read more and buy DKK 200

Nedenunder er et link hvor Sara fortæller om fordelene ved at spise kartofler.


”Do your practice and all is coming.” ― Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

”Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.” ― Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

"Astanga yoga is 99 percent practice, one percent theory." ― Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

”Everyone can practice Astanga yoga. Except lazy people.” ― Sri R. Sharath Jois

"Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is." ― Bhagavad Gita

“The mind is restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by practice.” ― Bhagavad Gita

“Asana practise is for 2 hours. Yoga practise is for 24 hours.” ― Sri R. Sharath Jois

”When the mind is quiet, the asana is correct.” ― Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

”This is not a gym, you are not here to work out. You are here to bring peace to yourself, to know who you are.” ― Sri R. Sharath Jois

”With practice anything is possible.” ― Sri R. Sharath Jois

“The mind acts like an enemy for those who do not control it.” ― Bhagavad Gita