What is Mysore?

Mysore Yoga CPH - Ashtanga Yoga - Copenhagen - København

Mysore is a city in the south of India where the source of Astanga Yoga, KPJAYI is located. Mysore style is the traditional method of learning and practicing Astanga yoga.

The philosophy behind Mysore style is that we are all different, hence no guided class can fit the needs of everybody. In Mysore class students practice independently at their own pace and level of ability in a group setting. All instructions are given one-on-one, and the teacher is present to give help in the postures and guidance with the practice.

To attend the Mysore class you don’t need any experience, strength or flexibility. Mysore practice will build up all that in a safe and effective way, and chances are your practice will take off very quickly. Remembering the sequence is not a requirement either. The teacher will help you to work at your own pace and build up your personal routine.

Mysore practice builds up independence and confidence, nurtures the seed of self-awareness and presence, and allows the deeper aspects of yoga to unfold naturally. You will most likely learn more about your yoga practice in a month of attending a Mysore style class than a year spent attending only led classes. All you need is a motivation to learn.

Why Mysore style?

  • Individual attention from a qualified teacher – you will be addressed by name and the teacher will know your practice inside out.
  • The learning of a practice that you can take anywhere
  • The flexibility to show-up anytime within class hours – when it suits you
  • An invitation of transformation of the body and mind to happen at its own pace
  • The cultivation of a meditative experience naturally leading to a self-practice
  • A place for everyone – from absolute beginners to experienced practitioners

”Do your practice and all is coming.” ― Sri K. Pattabhi Jois