
Petri Räisänen visiting 16-17/10

Meet our special guest: Petri Räisänen will be teaching together with Wambui in the morning Mysore classes on… more
08/10/2013 - Mysore Yoga CPH RSS

Yoga Philosophy for Everyone

In this workshop with Måns Broo, September 27-29, we will explore central sections of Patañjali’s  Yoga Sutra. The… more
31/08/2013 - Mysore Yoga CPH RSS

Additional Restoratives Continue

Restore and renew! Tanya Markul continues teaching additional Head to Toe restorative classes on Thursdays at 19. In… more
17/08/2013 - Mysore Yoga CPH RSS

MYC Newsletter August 2013

Summer continues but it is inevitable that the Northern rhythmic cycle of nature will soon take a turn.… more
12/08/2013 - Mysore Yoga CPH RSS

Yoga Lab: Back-bending 31/8

Many of us find back-bends challenging, both physically and mentally. This workshop focuses on learning to overcome these… more
24/07/2013 - Mysore Yoga CPH RSS

Summer Schedule July 8-26

Mysore Yoga CPH serves you all summer. Between July 9 and 26 the schedule is slightly modified. See… more
21/06/2013 - Mysore Yoga CPH RSS

Yoga Lab: Adjustments

What is it they do, yoga teachers when they help us? How and why? This workshop is not… more
20/06/2013 - Mysore Yoga CPH RSS

MYC Newsletter June 2013

We are a couple of days away from the Summer Solstice, the day when light rules over the… more
19/06/2013 - Mysore Yoga CPH RSS

Yoga Lab: Open Your Heart!

Many of us find back-bends challenging, both physically and mentally. In this Yoga Lab workshop we will focus… more
02/06/2013 - Mysore Yoga CPH RSS

”Do your practice and all is coming.” ― Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

”Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.” ― Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

"Astanga yoga is 99 percent practice, one percent theory." ― Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

”Everyone can practice Astanga yoga. Except lazy people.” ― Sri R. Sharath Jois

"Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is." ― Bhagavad Gita

“The mind is restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by practice.” ― Bhagavad Gita

“Asana practise is for 2 hours. Yoga practise is for 24 hours.” ― Sri R. Sharath Jois

”When the mind is quiet, the asana is correct.” ― Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

”This is not a gym, you are not here to work out. You are here to bring peace to yourself, to know who you are.” ― Sri R. Sharath Jois

”With practice anything is possible.” ― Sri R. Sharath Jois

“The mind acts like an enemy for those who do not control it.” ― Bhagavad Gita