
Monthly Auto Pay (minimum 3 months)
From October 1st kr. 700/600*
kr. 700/600*Buy now Student
1 month (Activate your card within 1 month)kr. 800/700*
6 months (Activate your card within 1 month)3900
12 months (Activate your card within 1 month)7500
1 class (Activate your class within 1 week)kr. 130
5 classes (Activate your card within 1 month.
Valid for 2 months)
kr. 600
10 classes (Activate your card within 1 month.
Valid for 4 months)
kr. 1200/1000*
New Student Special ** (Activate your card within 1 month)kr. 550
Privat class 1 hourkr. 600
Privat class 1.5 hourkr. 850
Privat class 2 persons,
1 hour
kr. 1000
Privat class 2 persons,
1.5 hour
kr. 1500

All sales are final, non-refundable and non-transferable.

*) Students/ unemployed/ pension price

Additional prices:

Private class 1 hour: 600 kr.

Private class 1.5 hour: 850 kr.

Private class for 2 people, 1 hour: 1.000 kr.

Private class for 2 people, 1.5 hour: 1.500 kr.

Privat, company and group workshops customised for specific needs and duration. Our focus is the therapeutic part of a yoga practice that will benefit employees with increased awareness, focus and wellbeing. This is of great advantage for stress release and wellness for each individual. Please send us an email for more details on pricing, duration and time in your tailored program.

Add additional transportation costs if you need us to come to you. You are welcome to contact us for more details.

You can cancel your class up to 1 hour before the class starts. Fee for not showing up for booked classes are:

Monthly and yearly students will be charged a late cancel fee of 50 kr.

Clip Card and Single Classes students will be charged the clip/Class.


We offer both astanga yoga and flow yoga to go. We teach group and individual classes at your workplace.

Please reach out if this sounds good to you and your company. Our customers are happy to get yoga to them, right after work or in-between work hours, for better stress management and body awareness in a busy day.


Mysore style Astanga yoga practice offers a highly personalised approach without the cost of a private lesson

At Mysore Yoga CPH we pay careful attention to each student, giving personal guidance to build up an intelligent, mindful practice. The Mysore style of learning is ideally a long-term commitment on the part of both the teacher and student, and deeply rewarding to one who undertakes the journey. You will learn the most and get the best value by registering for a Monthly Auto Pay or 12 Months membership and work towards daily practice. If you would like to talk through what’s best for you please ask us.

Please note:

  • Every membership is personal. One membership can not be shared by several.
  • With your membership you are automatic member of the community of our association (forening), Mysore Yoga Cph.
  • * Special price for fulltime students, unemployed and pensioners (10-15% discount on Monthly Auto Pay, 1 month and 10 classes). Please send documentation to no more than 14 days after registration/shopping – otherwise your membership return to normal price and the balance will be charged.
  • ** One month of unlimited practice. You can take advantage of the New Student Special only once and only if you are a new student and a local resident.
  • When a company or a private student purchases a program of Mysore Yoga Cph, both the company, its private clients and any student become members of our association.
  • We prefer online payment. When you come to MYC after you’ve paid online you don’t need to worry about anything else, just show up. If you want to use other payment methods, please contact us.
  • We have 1 month canceling policy for your monthly auto-payment. Please contact us in due time and read our terms and conditions.
  • Yearly and half year memberships CANNOT be put on hold for holidays. The price takes into account that there are holidays.
  • Please be mindful. No pay, no practice.
  • Give the gift of yoga! Read more about gift certificates.
  • Read our terms and conditions.

”Do your practice and all is coming.” ― Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

”Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.” ― Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

"Astanga yoga is 99 percent practice, one percent theory." ― Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

”Everyone can practice Astanga yoga. Except lazy people.” ― Sri R. Sharath Jois

"Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is." ― Bhagavad Gita

“The mind is restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by practice.” ― Bhagavad Gita

“Asana practise is for 2 hours. Yoga practise is for 24 hours.” ― Sri R. Sharath Jois

”When the mind is quiet, the asana is correct.” ― Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

”This is not a gym, you are not here to work out. You are here to bring peace to yourself, to know who you are.” ― Sri R. Sharath Jois

”With practice anything is possible.” ― Sri R. Sharath Jois

“The mind acts like an enemy for those who do not control it.” ― Bhagavad Gita