‘Intro class’ is a 2 hour workshop for beginners and students looking to get back to practice. You are introduced to the fundamental elements of Astanga yoga. You will learn the basics of the practice at your own pace, one step at a time. We guide you through the breath, postures and gazing points. All the instructions are individual like in regular Mysore class, but the setting gives even better opportunity to offer personal guidance and to help build up an own routine.
Pre-registration for the 2 hour intro class is required (please register at least 4 days before the workshop).
Price: DKK 100.
After the Intro workshop we recommend you to sign up for the New Student Speciel (1 month) You took the first step by participating in the Intro, now you can choose to get to know the practice even better. Normal price for New Student Speciel is DKK 550, but if you have attended the Intro workshop class you get DKK 100 off – special price DKK 450 by contacting us.